Save Twitter; Use A Mac!

So I see this headline regarding the latest Twitter "outage." It reads, "Could YOU be responsible for the Twitter outage?"

then it goes on to say..."Of course you're not personally responsible for bringing down Twitter, but if your computer isn't equipped with up-to-date anti-malware software and the latest version of your
operating system, you could unwittingly be part of the ..." what, problem? Hmmm, lets see, I use a Mac, so I don't have to clutter my operating system with spyware, spamware, malware, and all that other stupid crap that slows down the Windows operating system.

The real problem is that everyone still insists on using an inferior
operating system, WINDOWS! If everyone had a Mac, there wouldn't be a problem. It's no surprise that the Pentagon and the White house have switched over to Macs; Macs just have better security. It's as simple as that. Pull your collective heads out, everyone. Stop watching the stupid commercials that encourage you to buy a piece of crap Windows OS equipped laptop for $300 and save up for a computer that will place you up at the "adults table."


I'm Alive!

Watch out world... I'll be having a lot to say up here very soon!